How to Juggle a Football for Beginners – Sport Live New!

Juggling a football is not a limited skill to play stars like Messi or Ronaldo. For young football players, it is a great way to learn the ball control and develop confidence.

Unfortunately, football juggling is a technique that is often neglected in favor of exercises of practice and physical conditioning. However, juggling skills can be quickly developed in children of 4.5 or 6 years with the proper combination of practices and patience.

In this article, we will talk about the basic foundations of how to juggle football.

How to learn how to juggle a football?

Juggling is the art of keeping the ball in the air as long as possible. Players can use the parts of their body such as head, chest, feet and thighs to juggle the ball.

During jug, the transfer of energy during the collisions maintains the ball. The trick is to improve muscle memory and control the force applied through the parts of the body. Although it is harder than it seems, regular practice is the key to success.

Dominating the basic juggling skills is necessary for all players in a football team, including the goalkeeper. The main purpose of juggling is to improve the air control of the ball. Beginners can find control of a ball on the floor easier than a ball in the air. Even more during the real games played with the proper competitive spirit.

In fact, keeping the ball on the floor or dribble -it is not always possible during a game. For the strikers who seek to overcome the defenders, choose the ball without problems in the corner or a free blow is an essential skill. And this is where good juggling skills can make a difference.

It fundamental To juggle the ball is to learn how to add a little backspin to prevent the ball from uncontrollably. But for most professional football players, this becomes unnecessary as they develop foot and feet control.

Remember that the practice must be done with both feet and not just the dominant foot. This helps to strengthen the weak foot and also leads to a more consistent ball control. With the appropriate level of practice, you can use alternative feet to control the rebound in the ball.

In fact, very few players use both feet equally while playing football. Once they learn to juggle a football, it helps them to improve the control of both feet. Generally, it helps them grow as the best player.

Juggling is one of the best freestyle style Warm -up exercises This will help increase concentration levels. Players who start for the first time will find it difficult to concentrate during practice. But as they develop their skill, they will immensely improve their ability to stay focused for a 90-minute match.

How to juggle a football ball

Main tips for juggling to football

The first is that you have to choose the right football based on the age and the skill of the player. Younger players with limited football skills will find it difficult to handle large football. For children under 8 years old, a 3 -size ball would be an ideal option.

How to juggle a football?

Learning to juggle football is progression. Take a look at the basic steps involved in the process.

  • For beginners, you need to use your hands when you go to make the first touch. Start with a foot and take the ball once you bounce off your foot. Let the children repeat by 50 touches and then change their feet. Ideally, players have to start with the dominant foot and then move on to the other.
  • Players should keep their feet ready to receive the ball and keep their ankles closed in an average position. Ensure -you do not keep it flat or crawl completely towards the shine. If the ball travels forward, the player does not roll enough. The ideal point of contact is at the foot of the shoe’s laces. The eyes should be on the ball at all times.
  • Once the children have practiced with both feet, they can perform the same drill with their thighs and knee.
  • After practicing with right and left feet, children can move forward to juggle the ball between alternative feet as long as possible. The trick is not to kick the ball when it is high in the air. For the maximum control, players should learn to react quickly and kick the ball when at the lowest possible point.
  • As their skill grows, players can use any combination of feet and thighs to keep the deposit. Other parts of the body may also be used as needed.

To be honest, juggling is not an easy -to -master skill. It is natural for young players to frustrate and lose their focus. As a coach, secure the small improvements to keep them.

Here are some tips for juggling footballers where coaches have to focus.

  • It is important to maintain a good body position while juggling. The lack of body control will give rise to bad touches on the ball.
  • You need to practice juggling during each training session. A step -by -step progression involves practicing while standing and then walking. A good juggler should be able to juggle while under the pressure of the opponents.
  • Players should use all relevant parts of the body, including the weakest foot while juggling. While the foot is used, the flat surface of the top must be used to increase the surface contact area with the ball.
  • Unlike many others U6 exercises for footballJuggling works best when there is the right pace between the player and the ball, along with the perfect time.


These are the basic foundations of how to juggle a football. For any player who aims to play football at a competitive level, juggling is an extremely useful ability to learn. Once the players have learned to juggle football, it will help them to be more effective during other football exercises and a game.

While players can take time to progress, the benefits of perfecting this skill are many. Therefore, if you have not entered juggling exercises as part of your football training sessions, it is time to include.

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