Game Day Meal Ideas – Sport Live New!

It may be difficult to know what your child should eat before a football game.

On the day of the game, your child needs more energy and there is no problems with the stomach, which can inhibit their performance. The length of a football game is 105 minutes, which requires a lot of energy.

The best foods for a game day will have Many nutrients in the store and will be light and easily digestible. This article will deal with the best things to eat before a game, food ideas and the best moments to eat the game day.

What are the best things to eat before a football game?

When preparing for children’s football, you may be wondering what are the best things to eat. A large amount of complex carbohydrates and a smaller amount of fat and proteins are ideal. Carbohydrates are essential for keeping a player’s energy stores during a game.

The best foods to eat before a football game will provide many nutrients. Some of the best complex carbohydrate foods are whole grains, vegetables such as carrots or broccoli and fruits such as berries.

Some good meals to eat before a game will focus on including the essential nutrients.

For breakfast: oatmeal or whole grain with a side of fresh fruit and eggs. For lunch or dinner: chicken or grilled fish served with brown rice, broccoli or carrots.

The best moments of the day to eat these meals will depend on when the game occurs. The night before a game, hours before, just before and during the game are important times to consider.

Your child will need time to properly digest and absorb nutrients. Now that you have a general idea of ​​what your child needs to eat before a football game, let’s detail more about the best foods.

What to eat before the practice of football

The most important food category before a game is carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are higher than usual carbohydrates because they digest slower, giving -you energy for longer periods.

The best foods rich in complex carbohydrates

Some of the best foods with strong Complex charges are:

  1. Whole grain or brown bread, cereals, bagel, trout, pasta, etc.
  2. Oats or oats flour
  3. Sweet potatoes
  4. Broccus
  5. Carrot
  6. Black beans
  7. Brown rice
  8. Peas
  9. Berries
  10. Bananas

The best foods for protein

The best lean protein will be light, easy to digest and low in fat. Here are some of the best options:

  1. Eggs
  2. Grilled chicken
  3. Grilled salmon
  4. Almonds
  5. Yogurt

The best food for fat

Fat is another important source of fuel for athletes, but it must be eaten moderately. Here are some great options:

  1. Nut
  2. Fish
  3. Avover
  4. Olive oil

Before a game, secure -you eat or give food to your child focused on these foods. In this way, they will be able to perform their best. In addition, make sure your child drinks a lot of water for hydration and electrolytes throughout the day.

Ideas of Football Football Game Eating

Preparing a pre-game meal can usually be done later and will give you more options.

For afternoon games, breakfast will be the main meal of the day. Oatmeal or oats and yogurt are always a great option. In this way, a lot of carbohydrates, a good amount of glycogen and a little light protein are obtained.

It is also recommended a side of fruits such as bananas or berries to ensure -you completely fill the tank.

Lunch or dinner will be very important if your game is at night. A good meal to eat before a game later is brown rice and grilled chicken or grilled fish with one side of vegetables.

This will cover all your bases, ensuring that you get carbohydrates and enough fat and protein.

How much before a football game should you eat?

Before a game, when you eat it is as important as the one you eat. Eat too early and you will be hungry and you don’t have enough energy to play the whole game. Eat too late and you will be uncomfortable to perform any type of physical activity.

You want to finish eating 2-4 hours before the game begins. This is the optimum amount of time for your body to digest and supply completely nutrients.

The night before the game

The night before the game, you want to ensure -you eat soon enough to leave you digest before you go to sleep. Eating too close or far before sleeping will negatively affect sleep.

This meal is also as important as the one you eat on the day of the game. The meal should not be so strongly focused on carbohydrates, but it should still be very nutritious.

1-2 hours before the game

So what to eat before a football game when you are close to start? You don’t want to eat too much so you can’t digest it completely before the game starts.

During this time you can only eat a small refreshment to maintain a high level of energy.

This pre-game refreshment should not be fried food or fast food, but something healthy such as the nuts or the bars of Granola to ensure that you have football nutrition.

Immediately before football game

Just before the game, it is crucial not to eat or drink too much. During this time you don’t want to eat anything. The consumption of liquids such as water or gels or smoothies is what it must do at this time.

During the game

If you want your kids to be faster for football, your main focus should be hydration. If you want to eat to maintain your energy levels, a banana or a small beverage bend will be enough.

This will guarantee appropriate levels of potassium and other necessary nutrition. You want to be very careful not to overload your stomach.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should you not eat before a football game?

Foods you do not want to eat before a football game are: new foods, spicy foods, sugar -rich foods (such as dessert and soda) and dairy.

Do professional football players eat before a game?

Yes, most professional players eat 2-4 hours before a game. They eat carbohydrate loaded foods for enough energy for 90 minutes.

What is good to eat the morning of a football game?

The best food to eat on the morning of the game day will be a breakfast that contains many complex carbohydrates. The whole grains, fruits, oats and eggs are popular options.

Eating before a football game gives you energy?

Yes, eating before a football game will give you energy in the game. The food eating your children supplies energy and eating the right food before a party has a huge impact on your child’s energy levels.

Final thoughts

Now, you should have a good idea to eat before a football game. Complex carbohydrates must be your main focus and provide your child energy for the game. A small amount of healthy protein and fats are also essential.

Some fantastic foods containing carbohydrates contain whole wheat and whole wheat products, eggs, oats, fruits and vegetables. Ensure -you should include them in the meals of the game day so you can do your best.

These foods are also excellent for eating before practice. Ensure -you have to practice long before the game and use the right team for work.

Check the Sport Live New 3 in 1 To ensure that your target finishing and scoring skills are in the best state of the game day.

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