Coaching Guide – Sport Live New!

The football game always changes and with this there are several changes and training variations to help give your team the advantage. Coaches around the world are adapting and changing the way the team looks on the pitch and with this comes the adaptations to traditional formations.

As a youth football coach, your goal is to teach your players the basic foundations and focus on formations that allow them to use their strengths and take advantage of their time on the field.

In this guide, we will cover some of the best football formations of 11v11.

4-4-2 Training

The classic

Training 4-4-2 is considered one of the most traditional and balanced formations in football. It is also one of the most basic and a reason why many coaches have chosen to move on and try different options.

There are more contemporary play structures that allow the team to be more aggressive and press more on the pitch.

The reason why 4-4-2 was used so widely in past years is due to its balance and safe. With four midfielders and four campers, it creates a strong defensive presence.

When many youth coaches find it missing, they are on the attacking side of the match. Midfielders and defensive players usually play in the middle of the field, leaving two forwards on an island, which hinders the score.

An adaptation would be to move your midfielders to the wing wing position and let them roll up and down on the sides of the field so that they can cross the ball and remove it from the corners.

Many argue that 4-4-2 is too linear, but there are many small changes that you can make through football training 4-4-2 as a base and adapt from there. Try -if you are a new football coach and experience with slight changes in punctuation positions such as forwards and midfielders.

4-3-3 Football Training

The counterattack

The 4-3-3 was introduced to the game for Barcelona and works best in a fast passing attack. It works especially well if you are strong on the attacking side of the game.

Pep Guardiola who trained in Barcelona at that time would play the triangles to ensure possession of the ball. This would allow a player to keep the ball in the center and always have two options available on both sides.

The disadvantage of having three forwards is the fact that you now have only three midfielders, which makes much more pressure on your defense to play in the midfield.

There are many variables that can play in your attacking game. You could extend your alers to stretch the other team and let them roll up and down the field. You can also bring your wing to receive balls that pass to the middle defenders. Doing this would leave the weak edges, although it will allow for more opportunities for crossing.

In any case, this 11v11 football training provides various attacing opportunities, you can adapt -you easily and work very well at a high rate, fast football games where a strong press and an offensive presence are needed.

4-2-3-1 Training

A balanced half -field attack

As formations such as 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 have declined in general popularity, 4-2-3-1 has become much more popular formation due to the strong midfield. This training allows you to succeed both in offense and in defense because you essentially have four attackers and four defenders.

This formation creates a strong balance in the middle of the field, but is very based on the performance of your alers. The work you will experience will weigh the allers and require that they have a lot of resistance. If your wing is not strong enough, it would be better to remove it to a simpler training.

The 4-2-3-1 is flexible and can be adapted in a 4-3-3 or 4-5-1 if you try to hold and maintain a marker tight in defense. It is the perfect counterattack, but it also allows fast transitions.

One of the issues that many coaches have against 4-2-3-1 is that it is too based on the wing and attacking the midfielder to make plays. If these players are unsuccessful, a great gap is put in the game.

All in all, this is one of the most popular formations of the modern football team and it is clear that it gives you the best opportunity to set and defend the goal as long as you have players in certain positions that are able to keep.

4-1-4-1 Training

Flood the center

This formation is essentially a 4-5-1 with a heavier defensive focus. Push the allers so high that it becomes a 4-3-3 to attack. It is a great option if you want to keep several midfielders at home where they can intercept the ball and close everything that happens in the middle field.

4-1-4-1 is a good way to keep the ball next to the opponent’s field to worry about his defense and pressure on the opposite coach to change and adapt to the aggressive style of play.

One great thing about the flood of the center is that it releases some players that allow you to adapt -you are all that the other team offers. You can find holes in your game and devise a strategy to attack it.

You could decide to make a defensive form of V, keeping a midfielder deeply with two attacks and wings flanked. You can also adjust more to a 4-3-3 that supports the attackers and plays a more defensive match if you save your attack or try to defend the goal to avoid the score.

The main one that makes a 4-1-4-1 is that it connects the holes in the field and makes it very difficult to attack. The disadvantage is that it leaves you very few attack opportunities. But it is a great option if you try to play a slow game and you can work especially well if you have a strong striker with an aggressive move and a tip shot.

3-4-3 Football Training

Overload of attackers

Chelsea has broken records using this training and it is common to see -at the Premier League since then.

The reason why this 11v11 football formation is so successful is because it creates an overload of attackers to the width, which allows a lot of space between them and the opposing players. You can also easily go to a 5-4-1 defense if you try to defend a late score in the game.

Marking players is very difficult for opposition and exploiting large areas is almost impossible when it has no possession. So you have the spacious area of ​​the field that would often leave the openings in the middle, right?

The wrong thing, the 3-4-3 covers the center of the field with four players capable of intercepting and re-making the ball. This is a fantastic team training with a few qualified players in the midfield position.

It is important to realize that this training is very good for the players. Many professionals who play in teams using this training struggle throughout their career with injury and endurance problems.

Another disadvantage is that it requires a lot of discipline in the name of the allers. They need to stay home and play defense, but they must also be flexible and advance and lower the pitch, which again creates a disadvantage of resistance that is difficult to keep up to date throughout the game.

The only way a 3-4-3 training can prosper is whether you have a strong bank and you can often hold the same quality players inside and out.


Heavy heavy resistance

This is also called 4-4-2 and involves a forward center, a striker, four midfielders and four sponsors. This training is not as popular as before the decrease in equipment through a two-stroke system.

Most coaches would prefer to have an additional midfielder to play a slower and longer game instead of trying to attack so aggressively and leave the middle open. In fact, since the fall of this formation, a system without stress has become even more popular.

That said, there are many ways to make this training 11v11 success. It is one of the best formations to attack and close the offense if you have strong attacking players.

The main problem is to overcome in the middle field. Since most teams play strongly in the middle of the field, this formation surpasses you naturally.

It works if you have strong players who do not hold possession for a long time and are constantly looking for a pass. It is important if you are planning to try this training that enters the fields into the ball and immediately look for a pass before the opposition starts in swarm.

3-5-2 Training

Middiel strong

3-5-2 is another less popular football training 11v11, but is commonly used in women’s football.

Having five forts in the midfield can do a lot for you, and also prevent your team from being too defensive as you would with a 4-5-1. The two forwards help improve your attack game and spread the field while the five midfielders allow you to have the advantage in the middle of the field.

When sometimes the strength is lost is to have too many players in the midfield and translates into weaknesses in the defensive end. When the wings of the opponents push the field and spread things, you will find that you need more defense and that your external players cannot keep up with the pace of the game.

That said, if you have strong feedback, you will find that they can keep control of the field and continue to push the ball to the side of the opponents. If you are weak in the defensive end, this training can be a nightmare.

How to train football positions 11v11

You have seen the different football formations and one thing is still true about them. You need to know How to train Each training if you want to succeed with them.

Ultimately, the training you choose refers to your players. The team around you must design the training and not the other way around. Let’s talk about it.

Playing your strength

This is exactly what we mean. You should play the training that makes more sense for the players you have.

If you play a 4-3-3, you must have a strong attacking presence, otherwise it will not work. If you play a 4-1-4-1, you must have strong but disciplined allers and a well-conditioned team, or they will not be able to cover the field.

Turn the players

It is important when training youth football to give each player the opportunity to play in each position. You may quickly think that you know the best place for someone, but giving them a good opportunity to play in a non-competitive environment is essential for their development. It allows players to learn more about themselves and where they also play better.

Do not complicate it

It is important to make the game simple. Knowing all 11v11 football formations is something, but you want to ensure -you have clearly defined the papers and that they fulfill these roles without interfere with the game of others.

Sometimes it can be difficult, especially at younger U10 and lower levels because everyone wants the ball, but you want to ensure -you each player is playing their position properly and simplifying the game is the best way to do it.

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