Backyard Football Training – Sport Live New!

Like anything else in life, the more you practice soccerBetter you will convert. And while it is excellent to be organized Coaching sessions With others, you don’t have to have a group or anyone else, if you want to develop your skills or improve the foundations of your game.

Fortunately, the nature of the game is that there are many football skills that someone can practice in their patio. The advantage of this is that you can learn at your own pace and you can choose which one skills You want to concentrate instead of being dictated by the needs of the group.

Practicing by itself also helps to create and instill confidence. If you can master a skill on your own and make your “mistakes” privately, you will feel more ready to show them in front of teammates next time you play or in a match situation. When practicing often enough, football skills become a second nature and something that automatically comes to you without having to think.

Here are some individual training exercises that can be performed in a backyard. They do not need expensive equipment and in most cases they can be practiced; However, the area is available is small.


Juggle Helps to improve ball control and does not require much space to practice. The ability to juggle will help improve control and ability to handle the ball more fluently. Players should set a target time for juggling without losing control of the ball. When they have achieved this goal, they should have a strictest challenge next time.

Also try to move the ball in various ways: with side pain, topspin and backspin. Learning these techniques will give you a much higher range of options when you play in a real game.

Catch —S

Another critical skill that can be practiced at home is catch —Swhich is the art of obtaining control of a ball through the feet, thighs, chest or head.

The players should try to kick as high as possible in the air, and then, as the ball goes down, use the foot or other part of the body to lower the ball to the floor. Make sure that the ball does not bounce and focus -you try to get the pace out of the ball. This will help you to establish -you are for your next play on the football field, whether it is to find a teammate with a pass or make a shot in the goal.


Driable It is a skill that can be practiced in any patio and does not need any other team apart from a ball. Dribbling art is not only a narrow ball control, but also the way to use space. It teaches the need to think that several progress.

Exercises must focus not only on keeping the ball control, but also on seeing what is around you. Players should learn to haggle with their heads up, instead of looking at their feet and the ball all the time. Also, put obstacles on your way, so you are forced to make or practice them in a pattern of eight.

To help your Dribbling, cones or flags can be purchased at a sports product store. Even if you do not have much space in the backyard, you can configure them and dribble them around them.


The ability to do pass The ball is one of the most fundamental of all football skills. And it is one that can be easily practiced in a backyard. Take a cone or other football ball, put it on the ground ten meters away and practice the ball precisely on the object in question.

Once you can achieve the target regularly from this distance, move five meters back and repeat the exercise. Depending on the size of your patio, you should do it until you have left the room.

As always, you try to work on the weakest foot too-two-foot players usually have a significant advantage over those who use the weakest foot to stay upright. And practice also in the air, so that you pass it rarely play just along the ground.

Using a wall

A wall, perhaps of a garage or covered, is an ideal base for use for football training, provided there are no windows nearby (the walls of a house themselves should be avoided for this reason!).

With a wall you can practice shouting The ball and learn to pass it accurately. Start by kicking the ball with the foot of the foot from near the wall. Once you have dominated the ball control, step back and repeat the same exercise until you are sure that you can pass accurately and receive the ball on various disciplines. Then try to do the same with the weakest foot. Try to point out to hit the ball in the middle. Hit under the ball or kick -too high, it will lead to slow and slow passes.

Now try to kick the ball with the laces, allowing only one rebound before returning to kick against the wall. This will not only teach you to control and improve your passage capacity, but it will make it much more likely that you can realize these skills in a competitive situation.

Those who have space or budget may choose to practice some of these skills with a rebound.

Step stairs

Designed to improve endurance and balanceThis drill is to place the ball in front, and then jump and deactivate it, without leaving it back. Ensure -You start standing on the ball, then jump and put the other foot on the ball. This exercise helps you work on your control and your physical fitness.

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