If you are watching a football game for the first time, the referee’s hand signs may seem strange.
But you know they are vital to enforcing the laws of the game. And the decisions of the referee based on these laws are definitive and must always be respected.
In fact, hand signs are not only for players, but also to help viewers. Therefore, for football players and game fans, it is necessary to properly understand these signals.
Therefore, we take a look closer.
How many referees are there in football?
In the game field, there is only the main referee. Two other assistant referees remain beyond the margin of each side of the field to help the main referee. In addition, there may be other party officials in the field as needed.
- The fourth officer
- Two additional attached referees
- A reservation assistant referee.
Each of these party officials has specified features as mentioned in the IFAB rules
The presence of a video assistant referee (VAR) and one or more VAR (AVAR) since the 2018/2019 edition is allowedThe laws of the game. They help the referee make decisions based on playback images.
Each of these officials acts according to the referee’s directions. The referee may relieve them of their duties in case of violation of improper laws or interference.
What are the signs of the football referee?
Here are the main signs of football referees that the referees use in a football game and their meanings.
Goal goal- The referee indicates the hand to the goal area of the defense team.
Direct Free Kick- A hand is confronted and aims at the defense goal.
Indirect free shot Remove in your hand vertically in the air until the stitch is taken.
Play on/ advantage- Run forward as he holds both hands horizontally with palms up. This is a signal for the player with the ball to keep playing.
Penalty penalty- Point to the penalty mark from where the kick must be taken.
Corner corner- Point to the corner arch or the corner flag
Red card and yellow card– The referee shows the card with a hand raised above the head while confronted with the player he is displayed.
Control- Put a finger in the ear and extend an arm horizontally while checking a decision with the other field officials.
Review– Makes a television signal with your hands to activate the referee of the video assistant.
Handball- Generally, the referee touches a hand to indicate to Handball offense in football.
What are the attached signs of referee?
Like the referee, the attending referees (Ars) use multiple hand signs on both sides of the field. The two referees carry a flag they use to attract attention during the signaling. And the flag should remain unwilling at all times.
In addition, Ars can also use the electronic communication system to communicate with the referee. However, the referee advises them on the situations where this communication on hand signals can be used.
Out of play- He holds the flag above the head to attract the referee’s attention. The flag angle is used to point out the out -of -field position. For an offside play in the middle of the field, the flag remains horizontally.
To signal the outside of the nearby part or the distant part of the field, the flag stands up or down at an angle of 45 degrees respectively.
Offenses- The flag is also maintained to attract the referee’s attention in the event that a player commits a foul beyond the referee’s vision.
Goal goal- The flag remains horizontally when the ball crosses the goal line.
Replacement of the player- Once the attached referee has been informed, they signal the referee during the next stop of the game, raising their hands and the flag.
Corner corner- Point to the flag down at an angle of 45 degrees to the corner flag.
Launch – It holds the flag on one side at an angle of 45 degrees when the ball crosses the contact line. The flag points to the direction of the launch. In other words, the team that attacks in the direction of the pointed flag launches.
Objective: The flag goes down and the assistant referee turns to the halfway line. In case they want to dispute the goal, they remain in a position with the flag.
When did the referees start using football signals?
The introduction of the football referee’s hand signs is credited with Dr. Ellwood A. Geiges, who was a referee in the first phase of the 20th century.
A radio station asked if there could be some way to keep the press team more informed about the decisions of the field.
Dr. Geiges consulted with other football officials and the hand signal system was created to “let people know what is” during a game.
Perhaps surprisingly, none of the original football signals used in the 1920’s does not remain in use. Today, there are different signs to implement the laws of the game.
Given from whistle for football referees
You probably noticed it during a football game. Apart from the hand signs, the referee also uses whistle, verbal communication and body language to control the coincidence.
At the beginning of a game and after half of half the whistle begins The football launch. Later, the whistle is mainly used to stop and restart the move.
Please note that the FIFA rules mention that the whistle should not be used too often as it would decrease its impact. In case the whistle makes a mistake, a ball falling the game restarts.
Although it is not mentioned in the laws of the Ifab, the whistle tone shows the nature of the violation. For example, a short whistle indicates a lesser foul that can lead to a free blow.
A long whistle may indicate a more serious crime or a free kick in the penalty area that caused a penalty kick.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the referee signal for a five -second violation?
It Rules of football Do not mention any rape of five seconds. However, indirect free kick may be granted if the goalkeeper is kept in the ball inside the penalty area for more than six seconds.
What is the signal of outside of football?
The assistant referee announces an off -play crime raising the flag. The referee below grants an indirect free kick to the defense team.
What signals do a football referee use for replacement?
The AR is maintained with both hands along with the flag as a sign of a replacement. The referee begins the process during a stop.
What do two whistles in football mean?
Two long and hard explosions of the whistle indicate a serious crime that is punishable by the visualization of letters.
Final thoughts
Understanding the signs of the football referee will help you follow the particularities of the game. Although at first they may seem confused, you will get used to seeing a few parties.
Young players generally enter the rules of football referee at the beginning of their football career. Helps in the good progress of the game and allows players to have a positive impact on the game.
It is common for youth football players to be more enthusiastic about practicing their skills. It Goaaal Open Football rebound It helps them sharpen their skills in the backyard when the practice grounds are out of limit.
It ensures the safest and best way to practice football without losing time chasing balls or destroying windows and gardens.