The Complete Guide to Rondo Football Drills – Sport Live New!

One of the most common football exercises is the Rondo and focuses on the possession of balls. The better your players have and control the ball, the greatest chance you have when scoring and winning the game.

While football punctures can discuss the exact impact of ball possession in a game, a Rondo football drill is a method that you cannot ignore during training sessions.

Rondo of football

What is a rondo in football?

The whole concept of Rondo is focused on possession of the ball. Generally, the drill is practiced in a small grid or in a circular space with players divided into two unequal sides. The number of players may vary, but it needs a minimum of three players to start the drill.

The drill implies the numerically disadvantaged side trying to win the group’s possession of the group that passed it between them. If a defender wins the football ball, he changes his place with the player losing his possession.

Rondo is one of the most popular football training exercises that newbies are practicing, as well as professional football players. The reason is that it is an excellent exercise to learn the necessary skills, such as passing, reception and support game that are used in a game.

In addition, Rondo involves a competitive game within a confined space that teaches players what to do when in possession or without the ball. It is not an individual drill, but involves teamwork and improves understanding between a group of players within a tight space.

According to the legendary Dutch player and manager Johan Cruyff- “everything that happens in a game, except shooting, you can do it in a rondo.” No wonder Xavi, FC Barcelona coach, considers Rondo as the Exercise of good practices for football training.

Running a Rondo football

You can start your training sessions with the standard U6 exercisesor use the rondo to warm up. One of the basic rules of the Rondo is not to prevent the ball from moving. When the ball remains in motion, the opposition will not get time to shape an attack plan.

Then we list the steps to set up a simple Rondo possession drill.

  • It begins by creating a network of 12×12 gardens and placing the defenders inside the network. The other players should be uniformly around the network. Please note that the size of the play area will determine the time the players have for decision -making.
  • Once the game begins, the external players will pass the ball maintaining the possession. The defenders will try to cut the passes and intercept the ball. You can limit the number of touches a player can make to make it difficult for the game.
  • If a defender earns a ball, he changes his place with the player losing his possession. The switch must be done quickly, as the simulator will not stop for a long time.

Here are some important training points for this possession game.

Keeping your head up

One of the important aspects of the drill is to teach players to keep their heads as much as possible. This will help them scan the area and to observe the position of team members and opponents. Which in turn will help them during decision -making

Using the rear foot

It is important for players to practice the first touch with the rear foot during the drill. The rear foot is the furthest foot from the ball or the defender. The perfection of this technique allows the player to win a valuable time to observe the state of the field.

Pass in diagonal

Another aspect that must be focused is the importance of diagonally. This type of step combines the advantages of horizontal and vertical passes. In a game, when a player receives a diagonal pass, he translates into a space gain and a better field of vision. These steps also make it difficult for the defending team to intercept the ball.

Lines of breakage

These are imaginary horizontal lines between two or more players in the defense team. Attacking players can practice the art of passing these lines during a drill Rondo. This stretches the opposition players and creates gaps on the defense lines.

Rondo football farms

Rondo Football Variations

Rondos can be practiced in 3V1, 4v2, 4v2 and 5v2 formats. From the fundamental concept, there are many variations in football drills. Here are some of Rondo’s common variations.

Variation of Rondo 1

This variation uses the 4v1 format, but maintains a free side of the square. One of the players must go to this side to support the teammate who owns the ball. This reduces the numerical advantage and causes the players to move from the ball after passing.

Rondo variation 2

Here, the goal is to practice the passage to effectively divide defenders. This helps to create larger gaps and facilitate the consistent passage.

Rondo variation 3

In this form of perforation, a 4v2 format is chosen in an area of ​​10 x 10 gardens. An additional surface of the garden square is marked within the main area. Players should try to pass the ball to their teammates through this smaller square.

Rondo variation 4

This variation is reproduced in the 5V2 format. The only difference is that one of the players who owns the ball is in the center with the two defenders. The teammates are recommended to find the lagoons and pass the ball. Similarly, the average player should ensure that the fast touch passes avoiding the defenders. If necessary, the player can haggle to avoid defenders.

Rondo variation 5

In this advanced variation, two areas of 8 x of 8 gardens are shaped with a channel of 2 gardens between the middle. Initially, players heat up playing two 3v1 exercises in separate areas. After a certain period, the game merges and placed an additional player on the channel. The ball can be passed from one area to another through the additional player.

Rondo variation 6

The focus of this variation is to pass the ball to a single player acting as a central midfielder or striker with a higher level of skill. The game begins in a section of the 3V1 format. The only player is in the center, marked by the remaining defender.

Once the ball passes to the target player, 2 of the players they own will change the positions to support the target player. The player who has now will become the target player and will remain marked by the other defender.

Final thoughts

In short, Rondo’s football exercises are one of the most important football practices in any youth football training session. During the drill, encourage players to communicate and think of a step ahead of the opponents.

Obviously, you cannot ignore the other aspects of training, such as the rule U8 exercises. Therefore, continue to change the training format to ensure the global development of the players.

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