A football warm -up drill helps prepare the body for the activity. Focuses the mind on what comes next.
Football warm -up exercises have many benefits, such as reducing the risk of injury, increasing body temperature, improving mental approach, increasing moving rank and activating cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Children need warming exercises to prepare for practice or a game, as they help introduce a skill or technique.
The best football warm -ups for various levels of age
1. Pass warm -up
A passing climb allows your players to focus on receiving and passing, while allowing them to get many touches on the ball. Divide your team into groups of two players with a ball per group.
You will need to configure training cones to create a lane of five gardens, about ten meters away.
Then set up a different colored cone about five meters from the lane to create a triangle. Your players should be located through the lane that goes from their partners. Your players will start with two touch steps on each other and should move and the balls of their feet.
This dynamic football warm -up exercise is excellent for all age groups and is an excellent way to teach players how to move and receive effectively. The speed of the ball will be much faster than a drabble, so the passage is crucial for children to learn so that they can move forward in their skill level over time.
2 sharks and minusnows
Sharks and Minnows is a classic game game game that can become a fun drill. Each player will need a ball except at least two sharks. Minnows, or players with the ball, will keep control of the ball.
To prevent sharks from reaching them, they must keep them nearby.
You should use training cones to build your play area about twenty meters in each direction. The amount of space you use may vary depending on how many players participate in the drill.
When you are ready to start the game, the sharks start in the center and the Minnows start on one side of the field.
Minnows will drain from one side of the field to the other without allowing sharks to intercept the ball and expel it from the area.
If the ball is expelled from the area, you can create a “punishment” that they must do to return to the field.
The main purpose of sharks and mines is to learn adequate work and maintain control of the ball. This game is great Pericera for U6 players Because he is so fun and keeps his attention. Older children can also use this drill, but younger children will generally enjoy more.
3. Tic-Tac-toe football
This fun football drill for your players helps them learn how to make good decisions while under pressure.
You will have to establish two cones as a starting point, about three meters away. Use the cones to create a tic-tice board, which should be about ten meters away from the initial cones.
The first three players of the group will first need yellow pineapples and the first three players in the group two will have to carry red pinks.
The first player of each line will run on the tic-tac-toe plate and will leave a pinnie in one of the spaces.
These players will return to the line, give their hands with the next player on the line and let the next player run to the board to do the same. When the player three falls his last Pinnie on the board, you will determine which team won the ICT-TOE game.
If the game is not won, the players will shake hands with the next player, allowing the player four runs to the board.
Player four will not have a Pinnie, so they can run on the board and move one of their colored pinnies to open a space. This game will continue until a team wins the game and can continue to play up to five wins.
The goal of ICT-TAC-TOE football is to teach your players how to make good decisions while under pressure and working together.
4. Rondo Circle
Circle Rondo It is an excellent drill of prayer football. You should use cones to make a circle that measures a diameter of about ten meters. Place your two defenders within the circle. The remaining players are uniformly spaced around the outside circle.
The players outside the circle will begin the drill with a pass to one of the players on the outside. Outside players will try to have the ball without allowing the defensive players to maintain possession.
The defensive players will move inside the circle to cut the lanes passing and win the ball. If possession of the ball is lost by a defensive player, a bad touch or a bad loss, the player who made a mistake will change the papers with one of the defenders.
The Circle Rondo goal is to teach your players to maintain the position of their ball. Your players will learn to think before a move, leading them to be ready immediately. You can be as creative as you like with this rill.
5. Figure 8 Dribbling
Figure 8 Dribbling helps athletes to deepen the basic foundations. You have to make two grids of 5×5 gardens that measure about five meters away.
Put two training sticks three meters away in the center of the networks. Then set a cone at each end of the grid to turn it into a pentagon. A player will start with a ball between the training sticks.
The players should play this drill for a minute and turn with a partner. According to your players, you can set up several obstacle courses.
A player watered with a pattern of figure eight by the center of the training poles and around the cones without Dribbling.
Once they are given to their left, they should use the outside of the left foot to haggling while traveling. When traveling strong, they should use the outside of the right foot to haggle.
When your player gets rolled to his left, leave them to haggling using the right foot.
Figure 8 focuses mainly on the practice of Dribbling skills. Your players will learn to control the Dribble speed, keep the ball nearby and the ball control touches using the inside and out of the feet keeping your head up.
6. Zig Zag Dribbling
Zig Zag Dribbling focuses on fast haggling with the interior, out and bottom of the players’ feet. You will need cones about five meters away in a zigzag design. The design length must be twenty meters long. Your players will align with a ball in the last cone.
To play, your first player will be given around the cones in a zigzag. Once the Dibbling player will reach the end, find out the distance from the course and run to the line. Players will go through the zigzag sometimes to become familiar.
They should generally haggling when they move on their right side, and when they move to the left, they should roll the ball with the sole of the right foot. Change the pattern to move as normal when moving left, but roll the ball into the left foot sole once they move to the right.
Zig Zag Dribbling teaches players how to haggle with speed and handle the ball. They will learn to haggle with their foot inside, out and alone.
You can increase this drill by adding a network and taking into account the children at the end of the Dribble. Check out our Football bouncers To keep the ball at stake and prevent time from chasing the ball.
7. Take me if you can
To configure -me, take -me if you can, create a 10×10 grid. Start a player in two diagonal corners of the net while ensuring -you have a ball. To play, call “go”.
The players sit around the net, trying to catch their partner. When you call “stop”, players must stop the ball. When you shout “Turn”, the directions are changed to the network.
This drill helps to improve the haggling skills of your players, making it a fun and competitive exercise. They will learn to improve the dribbling speed and keep control of the ball.
8. Wipe your room
Wipe drilling your room is a fun warm -up game for football for U5 to U8 players. Make a grid of 15×15 yards. You can adjust it depending on your skills and how many players are there. A player is assigned to clean the room.
The other player will be the defender and eliminate the balls of everyone from the net. In addition to the room cleaner, each player will need a ball. Have your players wrap around the network.
Free the room cleaner on the net and leave them to steal the ball from the haggling players. The cleanser must kick the ball out of the net and the Dribblers must recover the balls quickly.
When each ball is off the net, the room is clean.
Wipe your room focuses on pressure dribbling. It also works in defensive pressure as a small or individual group.
9. Fill in the bucket
Fill in the bucket requires two three -players’ teams to set up three balls at each end of the field. Each team has a bucket, a small area in the middle of its line. The two players start at one end and the other player starts at the opposite end.
The players will drift the ball at the same time in the middle on a signal, leaving it in the bucket. Once the ball is leaving, they run to the other end and label the next player on the other side. The labeled player takes his turn. The first team to get the six balls in the bucket wins the game.
Fill the bucket teaches players to keep the ball nearby to stop at all times. They also learn to sprint to stop the ball.
10. Line passing by heating combination
Set this line that passes with four cones about ten meters away. The player in one of the cones from afar begins the drill with the ball. To play, player 1 passes to player two, who returns the ball to the first player.
The first player passes to the third player, who returns the ball to the player two. The player two passes to the player four, who returns the ball to the player three. The player three steps to the player four, who returns to the player two.
The pattern is repeated as the players move around the field in a straight line.
These football exercises are heated to move forward in the field. It focuses mainly on the races, the moment of the passes and the combined game.
Final thoughts
Youth football players should practice warm -up exercises to get a better mental approach and avoid the risk of injury before a game or practice. These football warm -up exercises will ensure that your players improve their skills, while having fun.