Arriving football drills for U6 athletes is difficult but rewarding.
You will be surprised by the amount that these children can learn and what can be energetic when you put football in front.
It is important that you are patient and help children grow a love for the game at this level. As a result, exercises must be simple, basic and focused on a specific skill.
Here are eight U6 football exercises that you can use to inspire, educate and help your players progress.
8 FUN U6 Football exercises
The best football exercises 6u will focus on individual skills that keep them committed. The goal is to spend as little time putting in line or waiting for a drill to begin.
Wait for children under the age of six to learn by doing, not listening. Do not expect them to listen for a long time and allow them to learn mistakes.
Here are eight exercises that adopt these principles.
1. Space Wars
Set two teams on each side of the play area. All players get a ball and the goal is to remove the player’s ball out of the area, ensuring that his ball remains in the area.
As soon as the player of the player leaves the net, they will leave.
The purpose of this drill is to teach young athletes about power and control.
They have to realize that they have to pass the ball with enough power to remove the ball of the opposing player, but not too much or will lose control of their own ball.
2. King of the ring
This drill is a modification of the space wars, but in this, everything a player has a ball.
Put a pennie or a different colored sweater to the player who does not have the ball and label the defender.
Attackers have to haggling around a play area indicated by Training tales While the defender tries to get there, steal the ball and remove it in the play area.
When a player loses the ball outside the play area, he must haggle around the area once before they can re-enter.
The purpose of this drill is to teach players to keep their eyes so that they can see the incoming defenders. They need to protect the ball, keep it near the body and control it while they moved away.
3. Coincident pairs
It is a driving driving and passage drill that involves breaking your team into two equal groups with two goalkeepers.
We recommend having a Youth football rebound To prevent the ball from leaving the field and waste your play time!
You should have two equal equipment each that brought a different color pennie. You want to combine an attacker and defender against each other in different parts of the field.
The goal is for the attacker to escape the defender and pass the ball to the next player on the line. Then the next attacker has to evade and pass to the athlete below, so so until they have reached the end and they can score a goal.
Repeat the process for the other team.
This drill is more aggressive and designed for higher level youth athletes, so save this for players you think they can do it.
The goal is to teach your players to avoid a defender and make a precise touch. Then you want to teach players to receive a pass, make a touch and then evade and make another pass.
These football exercises for U6 players will teach your athletes to do under pressure and react according to what is happening.
4. 1v1 at the goal
Set this drill with a goalkeeper, a defender and the rest of the players aligned themselves as attackers. To prevent too many athletes, you could configure several attackers and defenders if necessary.
Set up a smaller area where attackers need to haggle and train the defender to try to steal the ball before driving to the goal and score.
The attacker’s job is to overcome the defender and make an exact shot on the goal.
Once the attacker is shot, he becomes the defender, the defender becomes the goalkeeper and the goalkeeper turns on the back of the attack line.
It is an offensive focused drill designed to teach players to beat a defender as they enter through a small area.
Athletes need to understand that they cannot always run throughout the time, so they need to keep in control of the ball, think quickly and make a shot at the goal when the opportunity comes.
5. 1, 2, 3 Dribble
Simple U6 football exercises are better for beginner players and this is an excellent way to introduce newbies to the basic Dribbling foundations.
Set four cones in the middle of the play area by creating three areas so that players can haggle.
Separate the group on two sides and make them haggle next to it.
When the whistle blows, each player has to haggle in the first area, which will put them on the opposite side when they started.
Then train them to start haggling again. Blow the whistle again and make them go through the second area this time. Repeat the process for the third area.
The purpose of this basic drill is to teach youth football players to keep their eyes to avoid hitting the balls of other players. They need to keep the ball close to their body, carefully harass and keep in control.
This drill is also excellent for children under the age of six because it is not competitive, so no one is upset or they are not doing a good job.
6. Wipe the room
Divide the field into two sections indicated by the cones and extend 10-12 footballers in the middle of the field.
In the whistle, players are asked to erase as many balls as they can in the area of the opposing teams.
Each team will continue to try to kick the balls in the other area trying to keep the balls in their area as low as possible.
You have a default time to play like five minutes and the team with more balls in your area at the end of the time.
Fun U6 Football Explut how they get teams to work together, but also teaches athletes to play with an emergency sense.
It is a great warm-up for any age group and football matches that help to get involved in young people of 5 years, 6 years and young players of all ages.
They have to run quickly, react to the ball that is achieved towards them and erase -quickly so that they can happen to the next. Ensure -you have to separate the equipment evenly depending on the skill level.
7. Fill in the bucket
Set two teams with three players and create a “bucket” in the middle of the field indicated by the cones.
Have two players on one side and one on the other side of the bucket. There should be three football on each side where the players are.
The side with two players begins the drill with one of them that rolls into the bucket, leaving the ball in the bucket, and then running to the opposite side before the next player begins to haggle the ball to the bucket.
The process is repeated until all the balls are in the bucket.
The footwork and the control of the ball is the main objective here because if the player loses control of the ball he will go out of the bucket and he will have to recover it. This will waste time and will force the other players to have to get up to date.
This is a great U6 football drill to get athletes to work together towards a shared goal. Has an emphasis on relief race with a Focus -des on keeping control And keeping the ball nearby.
8. Team label
Divide your team into two groups, one with balls, one without. The goal is for players with balls to hit the other players with football.
When they hit someone, they get a point, if they get lost, they lose a point. Players who do not have football are trying to prevent them from being achieved.
At the end of the two minutes, adjust the points and see who won. Change the sides and enter the players to get more points this time.
The purpose of this drill is to teach players to go through fun non -instructive exercises. He teaches them that they must use the side of the foot to control the ball during a pass, and if they hit it too much, they will make the ball too far from the play area, which will have fewer points for them.
Remember that the football coach is involved in involving your age practice and the practice of football is where these young players will learn the football skills needed to bring them to their career as a player.
Children have short attention, so you review these fun football exercises based on the number of players you have, keep the short training session and ensure -work in many fun activities to keep the younger players interested.