In football, one of the key ways of breaking the defense of opponents and scoring goals is possession. The best way to incorporate this capacity into a young team is to practice football possession exercises.
These possession games focus on improving ball control, passage ability and decision -making.
They also develop a better understanding among teammates. Therefore, making these exercises a regular part of your football warming and training sessions is essential.
1. Sobregate without goalkeeper
This is a good possession exercise when you have a single goalkeeper available for the football coach session. The drill can be practiced in a standard rectangular play area with two goals at either end. Divide the players into two teams and provide the team without a goalkeeper with three additional players to make up.
The other rules are still the same as in a football game and the first team that scored a specific number of goals is the winner. The without goalkeeper will try to maintain possession of the ball and generate attacks. However, the team with fewer players will try to shot at the opponent’s goal from a distance.
The team with more players must take advantage of the numbers and try to use some smart movements. It’s about spreading and taking the correct position once the ball is in possession. The other team can practice the breakdown of the opponent’s defense by making more passes through a single -touch game.
This allows both teams to practice two different strategies and improve different aspects of the game. But in both cases, players must move the ball accurately and make a perfect end.
2. Unlock neutrals
This drill is generally performed on a 40×30 gardens with two mini goals at either end. However, larger fields can also be used.
Initially, four neutral players are placed at the four corners of the field. You can also place a neutral player in the center. These players are closed and cannot get out of their position. The rest of the players are divided into two teams.
One of the teams starts with the ball and causes the offensive movements. However, they must make a minimum number of consecutive passes before they can score.
Once the necessary passes are completed, the ball can pass to a neutral player. This unlocks the neutral player and can join the offensive team.
Defenders must constantly press on the ball and reduce the number of passes of the opponent. The game continues for a fixed time and then the attacking team can play as a defense team.
This training exercise is to improve the passage skills and the ability to maintain the possession of balls. As neutral players join the game, the team also learns to use their numerical advantage against the opposition,
Please note that when neutral players get unlocked, the attacking team must stretch and create enough space to move and move towards the goal of the opponent
3. Two teams against a
First, you have to divide the players into three teams of an equal players to make this drill. Team sizes can vary between three and six players or more.
The field size will depend on the number of players. The more spaces the players have, the easier it is to plan offensive movements.
Two of the teams start the game and try to complete the maximum number of passes in a minute. After this period of time, turn the defense team. In this way, all teams will have the opportunity to practice the defense. The defense team that allows the least number of passes is declared a winner.
To make the simulator more difficult or progressions, you can introduce a first -touch game. Another way is not to allow a player to manage more than two consecutive steps.
The main purpose of the drill is to improve the passage and decision -making skills between players. They will learn to move away from the defenders, to create space and to guarantee the maximum possession of the team.
In addition, this drill also helps to improve haggling skills for players. Players also learn to improve their anticipation skills and their ability to judge the opponent’s movements.
4. Four possession of the team
This is a competitive football training exercise that is a lot of fun and can also be used as a Drillor of warm -up. This drill requires a large square playground with four smaller squares marked at the four corners.
All four teams must have equal players. Ideally, this works better as a small face game with 3 to 4 players from each team.
The four teams will meet in each of the four smaller squares. A player from each team will play as a defender and all defenders will meet in the center of the field.
To start the drill, pass the ball to a team. This team will have to play five passes between them before passing the ball to the team in another square. The defender of this team can join and help with the offense.
One of the proponents of the center will enter this square to block the passes. The remaining two proponents will remain in the center to cut the past in the other squares.
This drill allows players to practice the passage in tight spaces, as well as to make long distance passes. The training session also helps to improve teamwork and communication skills between players.
5. English squares
For this drill, mark two 20×15 garden boxes through the cones. There should be 10 meters of open space between the two boxes.
Then divide the players into three equal numbers teams. While two of the teams will be inside the boxes, the third team will be in the center and will act as defenders.
Start the game by passing football to any of the teams. As soon as they receive the ball, two defenders move to the box for possession. The team must make seven consecutive passes and pass the ball to the other box through the center.
If the proponents win possession, the team that loses the ball moves to the defense area. If the team causes the steps, the defenders return to the middle. The drill is repeated with the equipment in the opposite box.
To make the simulator more difficult, you can increase the number of defenders and limit the number of touches each player can do before passing.
The main purpose of the drill is to improve the passage skills inside a small play area. This helps a team to maintain possession while playing at a quick speed. Players also learn to make quick decisions while under pressure.
6. Find the final step
Choose a rectangular game field with a small square of 2 × 2 gardens in the middle. This football possession drill can be played in 4v2, 5v3, 6v4 or 7v5 formats with the offensive team that has the most players. You can choose a format according to the number of players.
The offensive team plays and tries to create spaces between defensive players. However, they must complete a fixed number of passes with each other before making an attempt at the target.
The minimum number of necessary passes may vary between 6 and 10 depending on the skill of the players.
Once the passes are completed, an offensive team player moves to the center square. If this target player receives a pass, the team receives an additional point.
If the defending team can intercept the crossings of the center and win the ball, they receive a point. The first team that got five points.
Since proponents guard the average player, making a pass is not easy. Therefore, the offensive team must maintain possession until the time for the final past is correct. Thus, this football drill teaches the offensive team to stay patient and wait for a chance to maintain possession.
Beyond that, the drill also helps improve communication and teamwork among teammates. Being aware and choosing the right time to run into the middle zone is also important for winning this possession game.
7. Spread the field with doors
This drill can be performed on a square playing field. Place two cones with an angular orientation on each side of the field that will act as doors.
Divide players into two equal numbers teams. The teams will play against each other trying to maintain the possession of the ball. They will try to keep possession as long as possible and will have to play a minimum number of passes.
After completing the minimum number of consecutive passes between them, a team must make a pass through one of the doors. This will win a point. The team with the highest points after a fixed game period wins.
This drill of possession helps players to learn the skills needed to maintain the possession of balls. It also helps to practice passage skills while changing the whole field. In addition, U8 exercises This also helps to improve team chemistry.
One of the important training points of this drill is to prevent players from gathering and using the whole play area.
There is a wide range of football possession games of various levels of difficulty.
These are some easy -to -possessing football exercises that will help players to develop their ability to maintain possession.
When a team acts as a well -granted unit and guarantees an effective step between them, the chances of winning a game increase much more.
To get the most out of the football exercises, see the Sport Live New 3 in 1 rebound. Its innovative design ensures that your players do not waste time chasing the balls and can be concentrated in the internship session.