Children’s football can be beneficial to children’s mental and physical health. They can learn many social skills while enjoying a fun activity. Above all, each game helps build their self -confidence and trust their team. But since the start of pandemic, there are not many opportunities to play in a field without compromising safety.
So we thought of a solution: Why not do football exercises in the backyard? This will help our children to keep it at the helm of the game without risking the safety. Not only that will be physically involved, but they will also have fun in the backyard.
Benefits of children’s football drills
1. Football is a great exercise
Football exercises provide excellent cardiovascular exercise for our young people. They also help develop flexibility and strength. Football can encourage children to spend more time outdoors and less time on the screens. This is excellent, as the new normality of pandemic turned all other activities into virtual.
2. Football increases hand coordination
We believe that “leg -eye” coordination best describes the coordination improved by football exercises. Playing football needs a high level of concentration and approach. The development of these skills benefits children not only in the countryside, but also in many other parts of their lives.
3. Football can widen your child’s horizons
Football also allows us to teach our children about other cultures and nations. When our child starts playing football, they probably want to see the sport as much as possible. Children can study history and other intriguing facts about sports.
Best football drills for children
Warm -up exercises
You just have to do static sections before the exercises do not help our children as much as we think it does. We must also do dynamic sections. This allows our body to warm up slowly increasing breathing and heart rate. This also helps to loosen our joints, giving us a better range of movements. Here are some warm -up exercises we recommend:
- Jacks jumping
- Hugs of walking knee
- Arm circles
- Side bars
- Bags
- Chestnuts
- Boxes
- Changes in the legs
- Inches worms
- Karaoke shuffle
Scale exercises
Scale exercises are crucial to developing the speed and control of players. It also improves its balance and agility. This allows them to practice important patterns of movement in football.
This is perhaps the simplest scale drill for children. It’s like running or walking in a straight line. But they will alternate each foot on each square. You can also do it with two feet successively instead of one.
2. Rabbit Hops
This is quite simple and exciting for children. They just need to jump on each square with a leg or they can use both feet to jump on each square.
This is like the first scale drill we listed. But let’s start this simulation by putting sideways to the ladder instead of facing the length of the scale.
Children can step on the ladder a few times so take care and look at them closely. Unfortunately, this can also cause wear and tear on the scale, so you will need one that may be up to date with your tiny.
Cone dill
CON exercises can help our little athletes develop many skills. Skills of haggling, passage control and strengthening their foot. Here are some of the cone exercises that we recommend for patio exercises.
1. Confit tissue
Place the cones in a line. Starts on the outside of the left foot. Then let them knit the ball between each cone while alternating your feet each time.
2. Dribbling
To make a lane, align two rows of cones. Cons must be very separate to allow two steps before the ball advances again. Put the ball in the middle and make it a kick to the following cones. When kicking, using the right weight guarantees that the ball does not travel too much or too short.
3. Fast shifts
This short but fast drill is useful for changing the directions and control of balls. Organize three cones in a triangle, with the tip of the triangle at least 5 meters away from the base. Start the Dribble from the cone, a quick turn to cone 3 (the tip) and Dribble to the cone of two at the base.
Cons must be robust so that they do not move when they come in contact with the ball or feet of our child.
Drillors of ball control
Ball control is one of the most crucial skills needed to be excellent in football. Here are some of the exercises we have found to be excellent to encourage children to learn adequate ball control.
1. Red light, green light
Give -a ball to your child. When you indicate “Green Light!” They should begin to haggle the ball forward. Once indicated “red light!” They should freeze and stop the ball immediately.
2. Invasion of monsters
Give -a ball to your child, and leave them to haggle -you want to be a monster, like Frankenstein or Dracula. Do not catch them, however, so you can get the most out of this friendly and fun.
3. Wall whores
Let your child shoot the ball on a wall and take -and return -to shoot on the wall. This teaches them how to control the direction and power of their kicks simultaneously.
For our ball control exercises, we need quality balls that have the same quality as the regulatory balls. Practicing with low quality balls can miss the effort of our child in his exercises. Get a big ball as an investment for your child’s practice.
Shooting exercises
All these exercises lead to developing a small football athlete confident enough to try to score a goal. There are many shooting exercises that you can try. But we found that the best shooting drill for your child is to play as a goalkeeper.
Place the cones at various points at different distances to a target. Encourage your child to shoot -ye ahead of these points. Remember to go so strong for the first time. As they get better, you can be stronger with the goal.
Adult life can sometimes be busy and, unfortunately, you may not be able to play with your child every time they want. That is why you need to get the coach Sport Live New® Football 3 in 1. Serve as a training goal, rebound and setback, all in a single goal! They even arrive in three sizes: Junior, Standard and Big. These children’s football networks are made to adapt to different levels of skills.
Please note that you should start with a small football goal and work. Do not overflow them with a great goal for adults. Instead, get a suitable football goal suitable for their size and skill.
Final thoughts
Doing these exercises perfectly can help children’s football skills. But what is essential is coherence. We need to help encourage our children to keep in a routine. Remember to stay -you do when you do exercises with your children. Most importantly, have fun -you do with your children.