6 Football Dribbling Drills to Master Ball Handling – Sport Live New!

6 Dribbling football drill illustration

Football Dribbling is one of the most important skills you can teach your athlete from a young age. It is essential that it never disappears and will continue to help them as they move forward.

Learning a few simple exercises can do them and motivate them, while having fun along the way.

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6 Exercises of Drubling Football to improve control

Improving your children’s football dribbling skills is a fundamental aspect of sport that will have a huge impact on its performance. Here are six simple, but dribling drilling drills that will help your child control the ball and increase the confidence of his ball.

1. Straight cone Dribbling


The final goal of dribbling in football is to learn how to keep the ball near keeping control.

Set up 5-10 cones in a straight line. Each cone should have approximately 2-3 feet between allowing enough space for your player to roll out of each other.

Running the drill

Have the player at the beginning of the cones.

In the whistle, the player will begin to haggle between the cones as he controls the ball and keeps it narrow in his body.

Train the player to use both inside and out of his feet while sailing on cones.

Once they reach the end cone, indicate that they get control of the ball, turn it and start again at the beginning of the drill.


The purpose of this drill is to teach your athlete to keep the ball tight while making short touches. In a game situation, football dribbling is about controlling the ball and not letting it go too far from you.

The drill requires approach and concentration that can be especially useful for younger players under 10 years.


Dribbling football balls through cones are important for control, but introducing an opponent will help your athlete grow even faster.

For this drill, part of the field or patio with cones will appear that describes the corners (approximately 50 by 50 feet according to your space and the age of the player) you will create a goal at each end of the pitch and put the ball in the middle.

Running the drill

This is a match of 1 in 1 between two players. The ball begins in the center and any of the players can start the drill.

The goal is for the player with the ball to roll ahead of the opponent and mark the goal. Once someone scores, the ball is given to the other player and they turn around.


It is important to train your player to perform this drill intensely. The drill must be performed at full speed with 100% effort.

This drill allows the athlete to compete against a real person and have an idea of ​​the speed of the game. Ensure -you control the ball and dribble as much as possible before scoring.

If they are simply haggling the opponent and scoring each time, consider the pitch to be smaller or if it is sized with another opponent if possible.

3. Attack and score

Football drop exercises

This is a great drill if you do not have one Football training cones but has a Football goal And at least four players. Cash Dribbling in football requires the player to know what to do when an opponent comes to them.

In this, you will establish two players as defenders, one after the other. Behind it is the goalkeeper.

Running the drill

A player (the attacker) begins the drill in the middle field with the ball and drops to the goal. Once the attacker arrives at the door, the defenders can move horizontally in an attempt to block the dibbar -them attacker.

If the attacker is achieved by the defenders, they can shot on the goal.

If the proponents or the goalkeeper get the ball, the attacker begins again and the drill starts again.

You can change players and alternative positions after each turn.


Vision is a necessary skill when it comes to haggling. Novice players usually look at the ball when they are watered and the goal of this drill is to put their eyes to see the incoming defenders and know where to go with the ball.

Train your athlete to keep your eyes up and change direction when they see the defender comes after them.

4. Dribbling Knockout

One of the best football dribbling tips we can provide is to ensure that children are entertained -as they learn. This drill is nice and competitive, but it also has some important skills.

Set up a perimeter around the play area according to the number of players involved.

Running the drill

Give each player a football ball and make them haggling around the play area and try to eliminate the football balls of other players.

When an athlete’s football ball is eliminated, they must go out of the perimeter and are not out of the game until a winner is determined.

If a player shot or rotates his own ball outside the boundaries, he is also outside the rest of the round.


This drill allows players to compete with each other and have fun -in a more relaxed environment.

The goal is to help them develop the control of the ball and the awareness of their environment as they play with intensity and speed. If the ball goes away too much of them, they must know that another player will leave and eliminate the ball.

This is a great warm -up or reward game for younger players.

5. Relies of haggling


Getting your players to work together to achieve a goal is ideal for team creation and Development of trust.

Set two lines of parallel consistees to each other with approximately 2-3 feet between each. You can add or eliminate space depending on the player skill level.

Divide the team into two equal groups and start at the beginning of the line with a ball for each team.

Running the drill

In the whistle, the first player of each team will begin to haggle among the cones. When they reach the end, they must reverse the direction of the ball and return them to haggle.

Once they reach the beginning, make a small touch to the next player, and then this athlete will repeat the process.

The first team that has completed all its players the drill wins the race. If a player misses a cone or loses control of the ball, they must go back to where they were disorder.


Teamwork is important in football and this drill is a great way to get your players to be encouraged and excited to compete.

It also teaches Finesse and control with the ball. Make sure that players keep the ball adjusted to the body, making short touches and use both the interior and the outside of the feet to haggle the cones.

6. Musical cones

Dribbling pierce football

Teaching your athletes to keep their eyes up is one of the most important lessons you can give them. Younger players usually look at the ball when they are watered, which makes them difficult to succeed in playing situations.

Set cones throughout the play area in any order. Ensure -you have a cone less than players. If you have six players, set up five cones.

Running the drill

Each player has a ball and the whistle blows. The athletes should haggle the ball around the play area keeping it near their body and not moving away from the starting area.

When the whistle blows again, each player has to haggle towards a cone and hit him with his ball.

The athlete who can’t hit a cone is out of the round and can haggle the ball outside the play area.


The main goal of this drill is to teach your players to keep their eyes and look around them while driving. They must locate the closest cone, so when the whistle blows, they have a plan. This cannot be done if they look at the ball.

No questions

How is football dribbling practiced?

The best way to improve football players dribbling is through constant practice. Focus -keep the ball nearby, make short touches and keep your eyes.

What are the four types of dirty in football?

The four most common types of Dribbles in Football are Dribble Low Dribble, Dribble Velatic, Dribble Rhythm Change and Crossing Dribble.

How do you improve your haggling speed?

The increase in the football dribbling speed consists of trust and control. Start with control and focus first and speed will come. As the level of skills progresses, you can start incorporating other aspects of the game next to the haggling exercises, such as ending or crossing exercises if you have a football Settings.

Final thoughts

We hope that these football exercises that dribble best to equip your players to control the ball and improve their manipulation skills. Learning to teach football dribbling will have a huge impact on the performance of your athletes.

Be coherent, patient and always have fun -.

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