How to Kick a Football

At one time or another, every young football player has the dream of scoring the winner of the game. Hit the ball and see -nourish it in the upper corner, out of reach even the best goalkeeper. However, before being the hero, it is important to understand the basic foundations of the shoot first football correctly.

From tackling the ball and determining the correct initial distance, to planting and monitoring, this guide will provide a journey on how to properly and effectively fire a football ball.


A football player shooting the football ball

Allows configuration correctly to achieve a shot driven to the goal. Before you even think of hitting the ball, you first want to learn to properly address the ball and determine the perfect distance to start your career in order to hit -with the desired power and precision. If the ball is too close to your feet and body when you try to shoot, it is incredibly difficult to generate any power behind the ball. You want to leave a few steps to run to the ball. On the other hand, if you put the ball too much in front of you, you are allowing the defenders longer to put in a position to block the shot or remove the ball from you before you even have the opportunity to hit –

Even when you practice alone in the backyard or at the local field of the city, you want to practice keeping the ball around five to seven meters in front of you when you align the shot. This will allow you to generate energy and control the direction of your shot while you still get the shot in a long time.


While preparing -you start your career, make a high point toward the goal of helping -ye aligning -you. Note the goalkeeper’s position and choose where you are going to point the ball. Then starting on the foot, take three small stutter steps in the direction of the ball. When you are hitting the ball, keep your weight slightly sloping with your head down, looking at the ball. Your last step should be larger, planting the foot of the plant slightly behind and next to the ball. The direction that points to the foot of the plant will determine the direction in which the ball will travel. If the foot of the plant is oriented towards the right side of the goal, the ball will go more than probably to the right and if it points to the left side of the goal, the ball will travel to the left.

When you are hitting the ball, it is important that you do it with the correct part of your foot and following after contact. The first general rule of taking any firing is to avoid hitting the ball with your toes. Apart from the fact that it is a very easy way to hurt -it is also incredibly difficult to control the direction that the ball will travel when it is struck with the fingers first, regardless of the direction in which the foot of the plant is. Although there are some different techniques to shoot a football ball that we will play later in this guide, when they practice the basic foundations for hitting a driven shot, you usually want to hit the ball with the top of the foot. This provides the shooter the best technique to generate shooting power while maintaining control over the height and direction of the firing.

It is important to have the right settings to practice the shoot. At a football field, an agreement is not so great if you miss shots, but at home, when you miss a shot, it can pass over the fence, in the neighbor’s courtyard, damage the property or break the windows. That is why we developed the Open Goaal Football Gol + Backstop + Rebounder all in one! Prevents lost shots from getting out of your yard.

Net of football goal with ball in front

We quickly go by step how to properly shoot a driven shot:

  1. Make the ball about five feet in front of you, slightly next to the foot where you are going to hit the ball.
  2. Take a quick look at the goal and the goalkeeper to determine where you are going to point out.
  3. Starting with your foot, take three stutters in the direction of the ball.
  4. Plan your foot that does not kick one foot behind and next to the ball, keep your head down and slightly sloping weight forward. Make sure that the foot of the plant is oriented to the direction you would like to shoot on the ball.
  5. Bring your leg stand with your knee bent at an angle of 45 degrees.
  6. Bump the ball with the top of the foot, keeping the ankle closed. Drive the ball in the same direction of the floor of the plant.

Now that we have passed the steps to properly hit a football ball with power and control, now we will pass over the different types of features, when you use them and what changes they change in your configuration and technique to master them.

Finesse Shot

Youth Soccer Figh Girl shooting on football goal in the game

A very useful and very useful type of firing is the fineness, also known as a curved trait. However, when it occurs properly, the ball will go to the purpose of the intended goal, but, generating the correct amount of side, the ball will begin to turn and the curvement towards the target, which makes the goalkeeper difficult to judge where the ball will end.

Your configuration for the faint firing will differ a little from the striking technique. When you align a finesse shot, you want to start at an angle of 50 degrees and around 4-5 feet from behind and off the ball. In this way you enter a wider angle in order to generate the turn to make the curve of the ball. When running to the ball, you want to plant the foot of the plant slightly behind the ball. As long as you keep your weight slightly tilted forward, hit the outside of the ball with the middle part of the foot. During tracking, bend your leg slightly, almost as if you want your leg to follow the same path as you want the ball sinking. Now look that the ball is masterfully turned to your goal as the panic goalkeeper to put in the correct position to stop it.

Finesse’s features can be incredibly useful when cutting and attacking from the wing where you have a narrower angle to hand the ball to the goal. If you had to enter this angle and try to hit the ball straight, it is likely that it is perforated directly to the goalkeeper and will be easily collected. In generating a bit of the ball, you can hit the ball out of the destination line and leave the curve around the goalkeeper to the end of the goal. Usually, to generate more turn, you want to point and shoot the finesse shot to allow -more time to cut the air.


Football shooting on football goal with goalkeeper

Another useful type of shot to use in situations that you can see that the goalkeeper is far from his goal line while attacking the ball is the shot. This is a softer, tallest shot used to lift the ball over the goalkeeper and quickly fall down and land on the net. Chip shots are useful when the goalkeeper reduced the angle, but left a lot of space behind to drop the ball. Therefore, you want to offer a high shot that the goalkeeper cannot get any part of his body to block.

To properly crush the ball, take a short duration and cut the bottom of the ball with the front, inside the foot. Contrary to the other types of features, you want your weight to be slightly inclined, as this allows you to create more loft to offer a higher feature, out of opposition. Unlike other types of shots, your tracking when cutting the ball must be low. Keep your foot toward the ball after the impact, unlike the leg up and out. Cut the bottom of the ball and keep track of the bottom allows the ball to generate a lot of rear. This is important because the setback allows the ball to face the goal, and then it is back so that the ball does not launch on the crossbar.

Another key to chip is the element of surprise. Since this is a softer feature that requires accuracy, it is important to disguise the fact that you are soaking the ball during your career. Your career will not be as deliberate as the faint trait, as it is more than a quick lifting of the ball as opposed to a complete strike. That said, you want to be sure that you are not picking up the ball with your foot finger, as this is very close to your control and does not allow the ball to generate as much later as the low follow -up of the will.

Get out -and practice!

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A good way to practice firing is to take an object like a cone or trash and place it as a goal in the target. Practice the ball to this goal focused on your career, the position of the plant foot and where you hit the ball on the foot. This helps to create muscle memory and to practice the ball in the areas of the target where it is most likely to mark.

The first step to being a great striker and goal scorer is to dominate the technique of firing a football ball in various different ways. The development of these skills allows to be a much more unpredictable player with an arsenal of both power and fineness. Get out -and try it!

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