9 of the Best Football Moves and Tricks to Beat Defenders – Sport Live New!

As a football player, having a little football on his sleeve is essential to fight the defenders. Some of the best football movements used to combat defenders help you win and work on the control and speed of the ball.

Whether you run a difficult play, or Cruyff’s turn or move, like the bite, you still have to practice these movements until you trust you.

These are the nine best movements in football and tricks to help -you will quickly fight defenders, work on your skills, and help you to haggle, as well as Lionel Messi.

1. The Cruyff Turn


Cruyff’s turn is one of the movements of football called by a well -known football teacher Johan Cruyff. You can use Cruyff’s turn when you are about to put you on a cross, but instead use the inside of your foot to bring the ball through your legs.

When this movement is done correctly, it will throw the midfield defender, keep the position and get your opponent without risking -losing the ball. When running Cruyff’s turn you need to do your best to ensure -you are low for your body’s gravity, so you can keep your balance and quickly turn it on a continuous movement.


The inner touch with a scissor movement is fantastic if it moves quickly with your feet and run the movement properly.

To make this movement, you have to slightly touch the football in front of it through the inside of the foot. Then make a scissor quickly using the same foot. Cut with an outer touch of the ball with the other foot.

The inner touch with a scissor movement usually works well because it is continuous and fast. This movement can deceive the defenders because they wait for them to enter and then outside. Defenders hope you move the opposite way, which is why it is an excellent movement when you want to confuse the opposing team.

3. The football control movement

The football control movement is when you gently place the bottom of the foot on top of the ball. This movement is simple and is often an opening movement for young youth players, such as U5 or below groups players.

Toddlers still have no experience with balance and control, so football control movement can configure them for football/football skills, advanced work and other movements in the future. As players progress, this movie is often used in conjunction with more advanced movements.

4. The elastico


L’Eslastico is a popular football movement among Brazilian players. It is also known as the Flip flame movement. In particular, Brazilian football player Ronaldinho Gaucho likes to eliminate this movement and succeed.

To make this movement successfully, you have to hit the ball with the outside of the foot before changing the signs immediately by hitting the ball with the inside of the foot. Then bring the ball through your body.

Although the elastico can be performed from a stationary position, it is much more effective when it is done at speed.

L’Eslastico is designed to make the defender think that you go in one direction, but in fact you go in the opposite direction by crossing the ball.

5. Stop -vos and go

The stop and move are intended to delay and confuse the defenders. You can use the movements of the Stop and Go Football dexterity to beat the defenders that prevent you from an angle, which is an excellent way to establish a cross and overcome a defender on the sidelines. The stop and the go have some variations, but they are all effective and do the same.

One of the variations is to act as if you cut the ball back, but it will also allow you to harden -you quickly. Another variation is that you can throw the ball in half and touch it with your fit. Or you can touch the ball with the inside of the foot and cut the ball in half.

You can also throw the ball in half and move your opposite foot behind the leg to pull the ball back and use an inner touch to move the ball forward.

Whatever the variation in the stop and go for the football exercises you use, you must always move your hips and body when you make the first touch.

If you do not sell the movement properly, the defender will not believe that you will cut the ball again. Good proponents are looking for this movement, so you have to focus on executing it properly to deceive the defenders.

6. The bite


The bite is an easy football movement for children to master. Young youth players can apply the Chop movement when the ball rests or when dribble. This movement is usually very effective in football games between young players, but it can also be used with older children.

Chopped skill must be performed in a stable position. Use the foot to hit the ball to a fort[ angle on the right side. Then, the ball will kick to your left side if you use the right foot to kick. 

This move allows players of all ages to work on their ball control and football kicks. It also teaches them how to quickly change directions and create space from a defender.

7. The Nutmeg

The Nutmeg football move is one of the best football jukes because it can leave your defenders on the football field feeling twisted.

This skill is an iconic football dribbling move used to kick the football between the opponent’s legs before you run past them and retrieve the ball on the other side. 

While the Nutmeg sounds easy, it requires concentration and ambition. Typically, older youth players can execute this move but should practice with their teammates ahead of time. Most players hate to be Nutmegged, as it makes them feel foolish. 

8. V-Pull


The V-Pull movement works well when you run it properly, but it is often difficult to do it. To make the V-Pull, you have to touch the ball towards a defender.

Once the defender is committed to the dam, you have to throw the ball through the body to reach the opposite foot. Tap the ball into the free space. When this will be timed correctly, the defender must stop his unit and go after the ball.

This allows you to move away. You can use a Wall of the football rebound To practice this movement, act as if the wall was the defender.

9. More step

The football movement is simple. This movement is often used with young players, as the step -by -step step makes way for more complicated movements as players progress. Youth players can start using this movement of two to three years and can be used since that time.

Movement step is a football skill that is used to help you fight defenders one by one. After fake a pass, step on the front leg over the ball. The Dribbler then quickly pivots with the ball instead of the defender.

Football Moves FAQS

What is the hardest football play?

Elastico is one of the toughest football movements so that players can achieve. Elastico is one of the names of the football tricks called by a professional football player.

Ronaldinho Gaucho football player is known for successfully completing this movement, but other players have also been successful in achieving the movement, such as Zidane.

This movement is advanced and, usually, older young players try to execute it as opposed to young children. Players need to study and practice tutorials for this movement before using it in the game field.

What is the most famous football movement?

Some famous football movements include the Turn Cruyff, the Elastico, the Kick of the rainbowThe turn of Maradona, the Rabona and the Nutmec.

What is Ronaldo Chop?

Ronaldo Chop is an advanced football movement that you can use when facing a defender. To make Ronaldo’s sting, you have to jump on the ball and land properly on the feet. Then use the dominant foot to hit the ball and quickly find out after sting.

Ronaldo Chop is named after the professional football player Cristiano Ronaldo, who often uses this movement and has dominated it.

How do you call the Spin movement in football?

The Spin movement is known as the Turn Marseille, the Rouleta Moorse, the Ruleta, the 360, the Girosflina or the Double Drag. Although there are several names for this movement, they are all the same.

The Spin Move is a unique dribbling skill where you turn 360 degrees in the field to avoid your opponents and regain control of the ball. Players can use a Patio football goal To practice the Dribbling skills needed to make the Spin movement.

Final thoughts

To master football proponents, you should practice these movements and tricks. To practice football movements in the back yard, consider the use of a coach 3 in 1 to help you work on your individual skills.

Check the Sport Live New 3 in 1 coach Today to practice your Dribbling skills you can use with some of these movements.

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