Simple football perforations All football players should practice
Practicing both at home and with the team are crucial elements to become a successful football player and, regardless of whether you have just started, or a veteran of the experienced tournament, it is important to keep daily touches on the ball. If you are interested in a football goal that has an integrated +background bounce, see our Goaaaal Open most popular! Here are ten of the best exercises to constantly improve your skills:
1. Toe-Touch
What you will need: Dance
One of the easiest exercises and widely used in football, feet of the feet helps to improve balance and coordination with the ball without required a large space. They are a great way to work on the ball control, regardless of whether you are at home or in the field. The touches of the feet are exactly what the name explains, touching the ball with your foot finger as you turn on each foot. After some practice, the goal is to ensure that the ball does not move from the designated place while it drives, but it is normal for players/balls to move when they try. Many coaches usually use soft as a warm-up, but they can also use them in practice as a way to have a friendly competition when seeing which player can make the feet more touches at a certain time. They are one of the most versatile exercises that any type of player can try.
2. Player
What you will need: Dance
Juggling is probably the most popular drill in football, as it can be done without another player and does not require a large space so that it can be easily done at home. However, unlike the feet of the feet, juggling involves a vertical/lateral movement and requires good practice to “achieve hanging”. Many players, although encouraged coaches to do so, are not formally presented to juggle in practice, considering that it is much more a unique drill that players do in their time. So, taking into account, dominating juggling shows an effort of self -discipline and dedication to sport. It is one of the best ways to improve confidence in a player if done correctly. Coaches usually juggle players before warm -up or sometimes in practice as a way to see if players have dedicated their numbers to improve and will also have similar competitions to those made with feet on their feet as a way to create motivation. If you really want a challenge, mix the Football Ball sizes Use to juggle!
3. For the conein drilling of the inside
What will you need: 6 drilling cones, ball
There are innovative ways to create football exercises with cones, but one of the most introductory patterns is the interior configuration. For configuration, a ball and 6 ensued perforation cones are needed from one another in a vertical line. The space between each cone can be a bit large when you try this drill, but it is common for players to minimize the spaces between the cones to improve the touch. Once the configuration is completed, the players must go through the cones touching the ball once with the outside of the dominant foot, ending next to the first cone. Once there, tap the ball inward between the first and second cone with the inside of the foot, ending on the other side where they started. Repeating this movement of moving inside each cone through the dominant foot until the last cone is at the end of the drill.
Many times, once this drill has been dominated, a similar drill is inserted with both feet. See drill 4. You can also consult some of these football irrigation exercises.
4. For left -handed drilling and right
What will you need: 6 drilling cones, ball
Like perforation 3, this mock is to use the inside and outside of the foot, unless this simulator uses both feet interchangeable. At first it may seem complex, but with some practice it becomes an invaluable skill that can be used in the field at any time. To make this mock, the same disposition of 6 fountains can be used as perforation 3 (6 equidistant cones in a vertical line); And, once configured, it can also start in the same way. Once the player has used his dominant foot to reach the first side of the first cone, a new step is introduced, which involves passing the ball from one foot to the other using the inside of the foot. Then, using the outside of the second foot, the player pushes the ball next to the second cone and repeats the process until they have reached the end of the cones. This drill is an excellent way for players to be based on the acquired skill, but it is not recommended as a drill that will be used as an introduction.
5. Catching
What you will need: Dance
When a player catches the ball, it means that they have been successfully controlled after receiving a teammate’s one. This drill is to catch the ball of the air, which can be beneficial for players playing on the wings of the field. This drill, although difficult to dominate, is quite easy to practice, as it simply requires throwing the ball into the air and gaining control, as it falls to the ground. As a player practices, they want to start trying to make their trap synchronize with the speed of the ball so that they do not lose their speed when running. There are several ways to catch the ball with all parts of the foot, but it can also mean adding the knee, head and shoulder. Ensuring that a player can successfully catch a ball in the air is crucial to having a good career.
6. Crossing
What you will need: ball, 2 players, 2 drilling cones
Crossing, a type of offensive in football, is a great way to open target score opportunities during a game. In short, a “cross” is considered a pass in which the ball passes from one side of the field to the other, either on the ground or in the air. For this drill, a player (player 1) begins with the ball in one cone, while the other (player 2) is in another cone located about 20 meters from the other. When player 1 says the word “go”, player 2 begins to move forward. After about 5 seconds, player 1 releases the ball, sending a pass to the player underway, who should catch the ball successfully and return to the cone. After 3 rounds, players should change their place. This drill can also be used in a team team in which players change after each round to allow new couples each time.
7. 1v1 Play
What will you need: dance, 2 players
Players practice 1v1 to mimic the pressure of a real game. Although personal skill practice helps improve a player, there are many factors that can only provide a game setting, and it is key that players are accustomed to the types of defensive and offensive pressures a game provides. Its drill is to have two players, who are next to the cones of 10 meters between them. A player begins with the ball and passes it to the other, who, in turn, tries to overcome them and win the round. There may be different levels of physicist as a focus on totally defensive or offensive tactics, as well as different numbers of involved players (2v2.3v3).
8. Headers
What will you need: dance, 2 players
It is not recommended to practice headers for non -experienced players, as it requires using the head to run a ball. To execute this drill, two players will begin to stop one another, one who holds the ball. The individual who does not hold the ball will take five steps back as he faces the same direction. While holding the ball, the first player will throw it slightly in the direction of his teammate who has to use his head to hit the ball. This drill can be adapted to the offensive and defensive headers, as seen in drilling 9.
9. Offensive heads + defensive
What will you need: dance, 2 players
From perforation 8, this drill uses the same configuration, although the player without the ball will direct the ball differently. There are two main types of headings: offensive, where the ball is directed down at an angle and defensive, where the ball is directed and up. To practice both types, the teammate who starts with the ball will call what kind of head the other player must practice, rotating ideally between the two types. After five rounds, players will change position. This drill is versatile in terms of use, as more experienced players will also use a cone as a goal that they need to hit when they mainly practice offensive heads. It can also be used with players moving at a rate.
10. Scrimmage
What you will need: at least 10 players, a ball, 2 goals
A successful search is one in which players receive the coaches, but they are also allowed to play freely. It means mainly as a way to mimic the rhythm and flow of a live game, but it is important for coaches to pay attention and stop the game when they have to make a tip or an important comment to help improve the general performance of the team. As for configuration, it should be a complete football field for players to have practices in a configuration as similar to their games as possible. Many times there may be slightly different rules, such as the denial of the rule or off-play throws, but it is mainly the same idea. A scrimmage is the best way to test players’ skills and show areas where the team should improve.
Final thoughts
Consistency is key to the development of long -term skills. Whether you are a youth football or the father of a youth football player, who remains disciplined and will be hooked in the long term. Our main mission to Sport Live New is to help youth football players practice more at home without having to worry about breaking things, losing the ball or having to spend too much time jumping over fences to recover the ball. That is why we developed the patented Open Goaaaal. Check out our selection of football goal + backstop + rebotator all in a Football training tools. Youth football parents around the world love Open Goaaaal … have a look at the reviews here.